Local Brit musician SHA-256 has released a very original album and its title. His latest piece of light evening chill out are called in the names of suburbs of capital of Korea – Seoul and is now available on all major digital music streaming platforms, including YouTube.
The new composition complements the musician's discography, which is rapidly gaining momentum this year. This is the second musician's composition released to the public this year. He started the year on January 23 by releasing a song called "PPTP", but later, on Valentine's Day, he surprised and released the song "Yongsan-gu (Yongsan-gu)", in which the well-known Latvian artist zHustlers also took part.

Named in the suburb of Seoul - "Seodaemun-gu (서대문구)" is about the girl from that district being a song about relationships and how important words play in them that don't really matter. People often apologize and say words they don't think at all, so be aware that these are just words that are not proven by deeds. Smart words!
Musician SHA-256 comes from North, but has been staying in London for some time, where he both creates music and lives. It is known that soon the musician plans to release new compositions - including the first music video. It is being actively worked on and more significant projects than this are expected soon. This year is planned for a very active young musician and countless songs and their active release are expected.
We offer to listen to another original composition of the musician SHA-256 - "Gwanak-gu (관악구)". We also invite you to follow the musician's Instagram profile, as well as other social networks (including Facebook and elsewhere). The reference site has a link that will take you to the new musician's Spotify profile. Safe - go check out his profile, as well as look up his other songs online!